Friday, July 13, 2012


I was on a roll blogging for a tiny bit.  I figured out I could blog with Noelle on my lap or letting her explore around the office.  Noelle has rediscovered how cool the computer is and now wants to use it for her own purposes--watching home videos, playing toddler games, or just clicking random buttons to see what they do.  If you try to use the mouse she'll flick your hand away.  She knows what she wants, and you messing with the computer is not it.

Anyway, while they are both down for a few seconds I thought I'd write down some things about the girls.  Better than nothing right?

Ivy is still the sweetest baby I've ever met.  She is so patient with everyone.  She has discovered her hands and loves to eat them.  Unfortunately she hasn't quite figured out how to not gag herself while eating her hand and often gives us a messy show (sorry people behind me at church last week).  She is extremely happy first thing in the morning.  She's all smiles and happy sounds when you get her up.  She still loves snuggling with anyone around and prefers to sleep in someone's arms when she can get away with it.  She's growing so quick, she's already fitting in her 6 month clothes.

Noelle is full of energy.  All.  The.  Time.  This girly wears us out but we love her to pieces.  Her vocabulary is constantly growing and we love hearing new things she says.  Lately she likes comparing herself to her favorite movie characters.  While prancing around the yard she will say, "Running a Dash!" I'm running so fast like Dash (from the Incredibles), or "Brushing Hair a Punzel" Your brushing my pretty hair like Rapunzel (from Tangled), and things like that.  Despite us having a video of her counting to ten she doesn't really anymore. She gets too excited about it and skips numbers "1,2,3,6,7,8, a 10".  We're working on it.  

She's also started the repeat button when talking to Corey and I.  "Daddy. Daddy. DADDY!" What Noelle? "Eatin a chip".  "Mommy. Mommy. MOMMY!" What's up Noelle? "Noelle eatin a chip"... things like that.  She likes to keep us informed.

She's still doing really well with her big bed, although lately we have to put her to bed more than once.  The other night she was knocking on her door and so we opened it to find her dressed up in a hat and a wand and who knows what else.  Sometimes we'll hear her over the monitor reading herself books or playing with toys.  It's pretty cute.

Noelle has also started singing.  I use the term singing loosely, but she will yell the words to some songs she likes if she is feeling in the mood.  She knows a lot of words to "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", "Rock-a-By Baby", and a few others.  It's hard not to laugh when she's singing along to her bedtime song.  It's extremely cute.  We are going to try to get it on video sometime.

I better leave my notes there.  Noelle was never really asleep but sounds like she is done playing in her room.  My few moments of quiet are over for now :)

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