Sunday, July 31, 2011

Weekend Trip

We took a short trip to Mesa this weekend.

It was fun to get out of town for a bit and get a little tour of Mesa.  It was hot and humid, but we had fun.  We got a grand tour of a giant abandoned house (those people had awful taste!!), got some good food, and my friend and I went fabric shopping (we left the guys back at the house with Noelle).   That evening we even got in a swim, which Noelle seemed to like.

The only snag was Noelle refused to sleep all day so we were a bit worried that she wouldn't sleep at night (probably because when we tried to put her to bed she screamed).  So after swimming we loaded our overnight bags and headed home.  We decided we would rather get to bed late than find out at 1 or 2 in the morning that Noelle really wasn't going to sleep.  The trip was shorter than planned, but still fun to get out for a day.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Funny Moments

I wasn't sure whether I should title this post "Raptor Screeches" or "Funny Moments", but I decided the later sounded nicer.

Why is it that little ones often get a renewed burst of energy as soon as their PJs are on and they know bedtime is near?  Very curious.

Noelle was cracking Corey and I up tonight.  She was so hyper.  Sometimes when she is hyper she screams.  When she is so happy or excited (or hyper) and laughing just isn't enough she screeches.  I bet you didn't know that about Noelle, we all have our unique qualities :)  

Here is a longish video from this evening:

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Blog Division

I decided to start a separate blog to journal my sewing and craft projects.  For any who are interested you can find it here:

Full warning:  I may be prone to blab on about my projects on the new blog.  In the past I've kept it brief so I don't bore people wanting to know what Noelle is up to next :)  

For those in Utah, Happy 24th tomorrow!  Arizona doesn't believe in having state holidays, but I did learn last night that they became a state on February 14th.  Perhaps they didn't want to compete with Valentine's Day.

One Five

Today Noelle is 15 months old.

Some facts about Noelle right now:
*One of her favorite play areas is the bathroom sink
*She has THREE molars!  We knew she had one, but found two more the other day.  There's one more that's waiting to break out any day now
*Her favorite food is fruit (strawberries, grapes, etc)
*She has a funny crawl when she is taking something with her (a toy, toothpaste, whatever she finds)
*She still loves thoroughly looking through anything she finds (papers, piles of junk, purses)
*She loves pulling books off of shelves (CDs and DVDs too)
*When she feels like it she can do the "itsy bitsy spider" actions

Friday, July 22, 2011

One Year

One year ago yesterday we left Utah.

One year ago today we arrived in Tucson.

Tucson is a city with many quirks (at least to outsiders).  The winters have been nice, the summers not so much.  I don't think I was made for humidity.  I may be acclimating somewhat to the heat as some mornings I tell Corey "it's freezing", and when we look at the thermostat it's like 76.  

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sinking Feeling

I have a sinking feeling that a few special people have birthdays real soon!

Like today-Happy Birthday Grandma Darlene!  

And tomorrow--Happy Birthday Aunt Amy!

You are both turning 29 right?

In honor of these July birthdays Noelle has been practicing something for you.  Presenting.... Noelle standing on her own!

 Here is a clip of Noelle having fun with her new skill.  Please ignore my terrible filming skills (specifically me forgetting that if I turn the camera to film it will be a sideways movie).

I hope you both have great birthdays!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Music Box

Noelle got a special music box from Grandma Larry at Christmas.

We pull off her shelf every now and then and she loves to hear the music and play with her special box.

After she was done playing with her box she swiped Dad's glasses and then we had fun playing with them for a bit.  

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I don't know about you but we've seen a rise in the rate of messes in our house.

I wonder why?

Also the speed at which messes happen has drastically climbed recently.  For instance this CD/Blu Ray mess took approximately 45 seconds while I printed something off the computer.

I think Noelle knows that we will prevent her from pulling things off the shelf so she has worked to be fast when she finds an opportunity.

In other news Noelle has had some practice recently feeding herself (non-finger foods).  It's a little tricky getting food on the spoon, but she is working on it.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

4th of July

Happy 4th of July weekend!  
We are keeping things pretty low key this year.  Due to the few months of no rain (I think it was somewhere around 75 days in a row) the use of fireworks in our area is banned.  Funny enough you can still buy them--I don't know about you but staring at a pack of sparklers isn't near as fun as lighting one.

I've been wanting to make some patriotic decorations for a while but just haven't gotten around to it.  I saw this fun idea yesterday and decided to make it whilst watching a movie last night.  Someday I'll get around to making my 50 state quarters project-when I do it will be sweet.

In other news my garden is about done for the season.  Due to the few weeks of 105+, a few days of 110+, and one missed watering day everything is near dead--with the exception of a tomato plant.  I'll miss the fresh tomatoes, they've been so yummy!