Friday, July 6, 2012


So at our last place I use to tease Corey that we kind of had a cat (you see, a few cats took to napping in our yard)...well the egg is on my face now.  We kind of have a cat.  It showed up Sunday evening whilst we were watching War Horse (therefore jokingly we dubbed it "Joey" after the horse).  But then Monday morning, War Cat was still there.  Always on our little back patio, occasionally meowing at our door.  

Short story long, it hasn't left.  We chased it off a few times earlier in the week, but it just comes back.  It was so persistent we even talked to the owners of the house..."Uh, did you used to have a cat?" Nope.

After a week of telling Noelle, "Noelle don't touch the cat!" she no longer listens to me and pets it anyway.  Things I've heard Noelle say this week:  "mo-ning joey!", "whered he go?", "here is" ("there he is" in Noelle speak), "i wuv you cat", "stay heres cat-y"...

We keep hoping it will go somewhere else and find lots of birds and things to eat (it's a really skinny little thing), but after a week it doesn't appear to be leaving.  We were avoiding feeding it so it wouldn't have a reason to stay, but it appears it's more stubborn than my heart strings and I fed it a little something today.  It seems nice--it lets Noelle pet it and will rub against your legs sometime.  We are okay with it being around but don't really want a cat (but don't want it to starve to death either)...

How long can a cat reside at your address before you can't claim it's not your cat?  

Anyone want a cat?

1 comment:

  1. We have a kitten hanging out on our back patio. We gave in and started feeding it after about 2 weeks of it meowing at our door. We tried to catch it last night to take to the animal shelter, but were unsuccessful. It didn't come back to eat and may have been scared off for good this time...I hope not.

