Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter Week

The girls have had a fun week.  This is the first year we dyed eggs with the girls.  Noelle loved it (knew she would).

I also found out that despite hating many forms of eggs (scrambled, egg salad, fried, etc) Noelle loves boiled eggs.  She's been eating them whole.  She's also had lots of fun peeling them herself.

We had fun trying different things on our eggs.

On Tuesday we had a little Easter egg hunt at the park.  Noelle loved it.

She ate candy as she went.

After all the eggs were found all the kids just sat down where they were and ate all their candy.  Ivy ate gram crackers.

Not related, but Noelle is getting better at drawing.  Here's a smiley face.

I sceam, We scream

This is a month or so old now.  I'm getting behind!

One of their favorite things to do together is scream.  The audio doesn't really capture quite the reach their screams did in person.  It was ear numbing.