Friday, March 30, 2012


This morning I finally got two french braids on Noelle.  Talk about cute.

I find that Noelle only sits still for hair when in the bathroom with her feet in the sink.  She played with her toothbrush/brushed her teeth while I worked.

Noelle loves movies now.  It's still "moo-ies" in Noelle speak.  I usually make her wait until after her nap and then wait for her to bring up the subject.  It's funny watching her play around with whatever and then suddenly remember movies exist.  She loves to open the TV cabinet and pull out any movies that were on the blu ray player.  She lines them up and reviews her options.  Once she's picked she loves helping me push the "open/close" button on the player.

I have a feeling this one will have a princess kick like most little girls these days do.  She hasn't watched Princess and the Frog for a few weeks (I'm jumping for joy! I was getting real sick of the songs).  Her new favorite is Tangled ("mincess moo-ie" in Noelle speak), but she still really likes any of the Toy Story movies too.


In recent months Noelle has become quite attached to her dad.  She still doesn't want mom to leave the picture, but she prefers to have mom and dad around whenever possible.  During the day she will hear a car, or see someone walk by with a backpack, or just remember something and start saying "Daddy!  Daddy!".

She loves helping Dad too.  In the morning she always remembers to check if he's wearing glasses, and if he isn't she will go get them.  She will also hand him anything else he's left on the nightstand (phone, wallet, water bottle, etc).

Sometimes in the morning if mom is getting ready dad and Noelle will get cozy (or "co-eeez" in Noelle speak) on the couch.  She will sit on his lap and dad will wrap her fuzzy blanket around her and they will just be cozy for a minute.  A minute is about as long as Noelle wants to be still while awake :)

We are working on teaching Noelle how to say "love".  Right now it's more like "wuv", but it's pretty cute.  Sometimes when we say, "Noelle, say 'love'" she will say "Dad!".  Sometimes dad tries to make mom feel happy by telling Noelle "say 'love mom'", but often when she does it comes out "love daddy!".  It's pretty cute.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Dad's Home

Corey has had this week off of school for spring break.  Yay for breaks!

Funny enough he spent Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at school.  He did get a good chunk of studying done as he didn't have to worry about classes and homework.  So that's good.  Today we decided he could stay home from school and play with Noelle and I.

We went to the park by the zoo and fed ducks.  They enjoyed their meal and we even fed some enthusiastic fish too.

Sometimes Noelle forgot who was supposed to get the bread and just ate it (ew--stale bread).  "Ops, was I supposed to give it to the ducks?  Whoops."

Too bad Noelle's eye's were closed.  Look how cute.  This makes Tucson look pretty.  If you have ever been to Tucson you can chuckle now.  Ha ha.

Noelle has recently decided she loves hanging on things.  Our house doesn't have many good things to hang on.  The kitchen table works in a pinch, but sometimes she bonks her head.  So after swinging (which is always first on Noelle's park itinerary) we introduced her to the monkey bars.

She loved them!  She can hold her own weight pretty good.  We were just there to catch her when her arms needed a break.

Also, we've realized we have been documenting this pregnancy rather poorly.  Here's baby bump #2 at almost 35 weeks.  My tummy is smaller than it was with Noelle, but don't worry.  Baby is growing well (an extra ultrasound confirmed it), so she must just be taking up room where my internal organs should be.  They don't need room anyway, right?

Saturday, March 10, 2012

New Favorite

Noelle has a "new" favorite toy.  

We've been pulling out some baby things recently (who knows why) and she has readopted her play gym.  We're glad she likes it because we happened to get her a little tent for her birthday (don't tell, she hasn't seen it yet).  I'm hoping when her new one is set up Noelle will let her little sister use the baby gym without making a fuss.

Hello in there!