Monday, December 5, 2011

Got Milk?

I've been very sluggish posting anything--sorry!

Noelle has been growing so much over the last few months.  It's fun seeing her try new things and hear what she says next.

Some of her current favorite words (with translation):
-Melmo! (Elmo)
-Grogr (Grover--she loves "The Monster at the End of This Book" book)
-Bubble (bubble)
-Chiz (cheese)
-Bibby (bib)
-Mo? (more)
-Mun (moon)
-Cucu (color)
-Kicky (kitty)

It's so cute hearing her become more confident and trying new words.  I also like to play "I-spy" with her and am constantly surprised to see what she knows.  She can easily point to all kinds of things like sky, light, door, tv, daddy, mommy, diaper, body parts (nose, ears, hands, fingers), bath tub, car, plane, rocks, crayons, etc.

Last night I was sewing with a friend and Corey was watching Noelle.  They had some show on and a Cutie (mini-oranges) commercial came on.  Noelle loves Cuties.  Once the commercial ended she walked to her high chair and got in expecting Dad to get her a snack.  Corey took her out (it was nearly bed time).  Then she walked to her room, got a bib, came back out saying "bibby bibby" and sat in her chair.  We'll just say she got her Cutie.  Who could say no? :)