Thursday, August 25, 2011

Baby Steps

At the heels of her cousin's walking news Noelle has (finally) taken some small steps.

Photo credit: The talented Aunt Lesa.  This is one of our new favorites!!
How many?  About 3 in a row.

We don't think she'll be skipping anytime soon, but progress is progress.

Noelle has also become fairly adept at climbing.  She can climb into her rocking chair without a  hitch and we've seen her climb into her high chair (ahh!).  I just hope she doesn't try to climb out of her crib next.  

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Play Dough

As Noelle is napping less (really only one nap a day) I'm trying to find more things to do.  It's too hot to go outside much during the day, so it leaves us inside a lot.  Since she was doing so well with crayons (i.e. not eating them), I decided to try making some play dough.

I strapped Noelle in my sling so she could help pour ingredients and hold the spoon while I stir.  Maybe when she's bigger I will have to get a stepping stool or something so she can "help".  

Noelle sort of had fun.  She's still trying to figure out what it's for.  She did like when I made a snake and she would pull little pieces of it off and hand them to me.  She only tried to eat a piece or two and from her face I'm guessing it's not tasty.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Back to School

Corey headed off to his first day of his second year.

We are hoping this year goes as fast as the last.

Can you tell our bushes didn't fare too well with the drought earlier?  Our landlord had told us that he never watered anything in the yard so we haven't either, but perhaps we should have watered the bushes when it didn't rain for months.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


During Noelle's less fussy moments we have been having fun this week.

We pulled out crayons again, and this time she hasn't been eating them (yay!).  While I color a picture she embellishes.  She's getting the hang of it, the coffee table has a few crayon strokes to prove it.     

And for anyone who is curious, yes it's a Christmas coloring book.  However, it's not just any Christmas coloring book.  It's a Care Bear cousin Christmas book.  With great characters like "playful heart monkey", "treat heart pig", and "bright heart raccoon".  It's straight out of the eighties (literally, it was a DI purchase).  Sweet.

Here is a closeup of some of Noelle's work:

Noelle is slowly getting better, but we think her fussiness has lingered due to some new teeth on their way.  That's just our guess anyway, it looks like she's got 2-4 new ones moving along.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Back in the Saddle Again

Well, we're back.  We had fun during our little Utah trip and loved seeing our family!  Noelle loved getting to know everyone again.  Especially her cousin Sabrina, who I fear is now afraid of Noelle as she usually pulled her over or clobbered her while trying to hug her and play with her.

We've had a blah week back.  Noelle got sick the last half hour of the trip (I'm so glad she didn't get sick earlier) and is still trying to get better.  The doctor said it wasn't an ear infection or the flu, just your general mean stomach bug.  We hope little Noelle feels better soon!  We keep getting glimpses of her feeling better, but she's not there yet.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Quack Quack

Today is Grandpa Owen's Birthday!  I hope your day is just "ducky" and you have a great day!

Sorry about my mom sending your present here instead of your place.  We'll get it to you soon :)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Cinder Ellie

Recently Noelle has taken to wiping things off with one of her washcloths.  

It's so funny to turn around and it looks like she is scrubbing the coffee table like our little Cinderella or something.  We're not sure if she's copying me or if she just thinks its fun.  Either way it's pretty funny.