Saturday, June 9, 2012

Trail Mix

This post has nothing to do with a salty yet sweet snack.  It's just a mixed bag today (ps Happy Birthday Lesa!)

It's cute seeing Noelle interact with Ivy.  I showed her how Ivy can hold her finger (someone told me they taught their kids it's a "baby hug", so that's what I told Noelle).  Noelle thought it was fun.

Noelle loves trying to interact more with Ivy.  She likes to tell her things (like about a bug that was walking in her room) and try to get her to dance when music is on.  When Noelle finds my phone lately she'll open it and say, "Hewo. Ivy's drinking. Bye".  I guess she's caught on that Ivy is always drinking.  She likes saying "night night" to her and "morning!".  Dad is teaching Noelle how you shake someone's hand and say "nice to meet you", so Noelle will grab Ivy's arm and shake it while saying "meetchoo".

Ivy is sure getting cute.  Her little curl is still there, and her eye lashes seem to be growing lately (maybe she'll have sweepers like Noelle).  I've gotten a few hairs on her comb lately (tear tear) so she may be loosing her beautiful locks for a bit.  She is smiling a bunch now.  I keep forgetting to record her in the morning.  She is super happy when you get her out of bed and smiles a ton.

Anywho, we had a busy week of visiting the splash pad, play places, zoos, packing, and just hanging around the house.  Here's some pictures of another visit to the splash pad.  We went by ourselves as our friends were out of town.  Noelle still had fun by herself.  

Here's me and Ivy (can you see her, she's pretty hidden).  

This is the face Noelle gives you most of the time we are there.

I look over and this is what I see.  Not sure what she was trying to do but it was funny.

We officially have the run of our new place now.  We took a few loads (by we I mean Corey) over to the house and are already itchy to be moved and settling in.  It's nice having a low key move after that last one.  That is for sure.

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