Friday, June 1, 2012


Before I get to the miracle I should note that Noelle recently mastered twisting off caps.  Could she have done this long ago?  Probably if we showed her how.

Whilst occupied elsewhere in the house for a few minutes Noelle found my nail polish (which for two years had been safely hidden in the back of the cupboard in the bathroom), opened the polish, and proceeded to paint her toenails.  Did I mention it was RED nail polish?  Did I mention she has never painted her nails by herself before?  When she happily came and found me proudly showing me the opened nail polish and saying "painting!" my gut dropped.  The carpet!  

Miracle of miracles this little girly painted her nails and then ran through the house without getting anything on the floor.  There was a tiny drop on the bathroom floor, which was easily cleaned up. 

For her first try she did a pretty good job don't you think?  Plus everyone knows red is one of the hardest colors to use as it shows goofs so easily.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Noelle! You are going to be a pro very , very soon! Also good job not getting any on the carpet.

