Recently I have been trying to be better at finding fun activities for Noelle to do. She is such a curious little girl, left to her own devices would rip apart the entire house. There have been many cries of pain when Corey and I are getting ready for bed only to discover some cutie pie pulled out our bookmarks for scriptures.
I picked up a set of cheap beads the other day for an activity. I got a large yarn needle (i.e. not sharp) and some yarn and we had fun stringing a necklace. She would shriek every time she helped me put a bead on--it was cute and a little ear-numbing.
Full disclosure, Noelle had more fun swishing the beads around the bowl than making the necklace. As soon as we finished and I tied it off she held it up to me--she wanted me to take the beads off and put them back in the bowl to play with :) She's not use to wearing necklaces yet, but will put it on for a few seconds every now and then.
Noelle has also recently developed an interest in the digital signing things at banks and grocery stores. It made me think, I wish I had something like that for her to play with. Then I remembered. Duh! My ancient palm pilot! So I charged it up and she has had a few minutes of fun here and there scribbling on it. Who knew that would ever be useful again? Bonus she can't accidentally call anyone on it or erase years of files or pictures on it.
Also, we had a fun surprise arrive in the mail the other day. A souvenir package from Grandma Karen and Grandpa Larry from their New York trip! Noelle got a sweet Minnie Mouse Statue of Liberty. Her face lit up as we pulled it out of the box.
Corey got a fun NY license plate frame and I got a pretty pashmina scarf/wrap. I've already worn mine around one night. There was also a sneaky present hidden with Minnie--some money for a nice dinner (we can't wait to use it). Noelle has had a ball playing with the wrappings and box for the last few days. She likes to pretend the tissue paper is for wiping her nose, funny girl. Thanks again for the gifts!
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