Sunday, October 9, 2011

Busy Bee

Part of the reason there's so many gaps between blog posts is that Noelle has become a busy bee (the other part is I forget to pull the camera out).  We had 3 days of beautiful weather, but the news said next weekend we'll be at 95 again.  Tear tear.

We finally decided to join a little play group and we had fun going to the zoo last week.  Noelle didn't care much for the big animals (they barely moved), but thought the walking turtle, the swimming turtle, and the chipmunk eating the turtle's lunch was fun.  

Noelle loves pulling out all her diapers, and would pull out all her wipes too if we let her.  We found an old wipe box that she will put things in and pull out.

At the library I found an amusing book:

I never followed the TV show, but still found it funny.

 We've had some interesting bugs about our yard recently.  The black beetle below has been munching on all of our cacti.  I wonder which one tastes best.

Also, one morning Corey discovered a stick bug on our dryer vent.  Now I want to go watch Bug's Life.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, that beetle looks like a spider and the walking stick bug looks like, well, a walking stick.

    I watched Star Trek as a kid and would have LOVED this book.

