Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

I hope everyone has a fun Halloween!  

Here is a sneak peak of Noelle's costume:

Anyone know who she is?  It's very possible as we go out tonight no one will know, but that's okay.  

After many months with Yoda in mind I randomly decided to do something else.  It seemed too fitting not to.  "He turned around fast, and he saw a small Who!  Little Cindy-Lou Who, who was not more than two."  The short blond hair, the blue eyes, the button nose, and not more than two?!  I couldn't resist.
Cindy Lou Who Cartoon image from here.
I hope to get more pictures tonight, but wanted to share these now just in case I was slow to get them up.  And for the curious folk, I drew the antennae on--I have pipe cleaners that I am going to attempt to get in her hair tonight.  I was too afraid to put them on early.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

New Fun

Recently I have been trying to be better at finding fun activities for Noelle to do.  She is such a curious little girl, left to her own devices would rip apart the entire house.  There have been many cries of pain when Corey and I are getting ready for bed only to discover some cutie pie pulled out our bookmarks for scriptures.

I picked up a set of cheap beads the other day for an activity.  I got a large yarn needle (i.e. not sharp) and some yarn and we had fun stringing a necklace.  She would shriek every time she helped me put a bead on--it was cute and a little ear-numbing.

Full disclosure, Noelle had more fun swishing the beads around the bowl than making the necklace.  As soon as we finished and I tied it off she held it up to me--she wanted me to take the beads off and put them back in the bowl to play with :)  She's not use to wearing necklaces yet, but will put it on for a few seconds every now and then.  

Noelle has also recently developed an interest in the digital signing things at banks and grocery stores.  It made me think, I wish I had something like that for her to play with.  Then I remembered.  Duh!  My ancient palm pilot!  So I charged it up and she has had a few minutes of fun here and there scribbling on it.  Who knew that would ever be useful again?  Bonus she can't accidentally call anyone on it or erase years of files or pictures on it.

Also, we had a fun surprise arrive in the mail the other day.  A souvenir package from Grandma Karen and Grandpa Larry from their New York trip!  Noelle got a sweet Minnie Mouse Statue of Liberty.  Her face lit up as we pulled it out of the box.

Corey got a fun NY license plate frame and I got a pretty pashmina scarf/wrap.  I've already worn mine around one night.  There was also a sneaky present hidden with Minnie--some money for a nice dinner (we can't wait to use it).  Noelle has had a ball playing with the wrappings and box for the last few days.  She likes to pretend the tissue paper is for wiping her nose, funny girl.  Thanks again for the gifts!

Fall Visitors

Last weekend we were happy to welcome Grandma Darlene and "Aunt" Amy to Tucson.  We (I use the term "we" loosely as Corey was having a ball finishing a 20 page paper that weekend) had a lot of fun goofing off at home and visiting a few places around town.

Grandma gave Noelle a fun Elmo doll that she loves to play with.  Whenever it says "bye bye" Noelle says it too.  Noelle was cracking Amy and mom up with her "crazy eyes" look and Chinese talk.  Noelle loved playing roll the dice on Amy's phone and sneaking up to anyone with popcorn.

One day we spent some time at the park.  Aunt Amy helped Noelle go down the slide.

Then Grandma took Noelle down the big slide.  I wish I had a picture of Grandma and Noelle going down the tunnel slide--it was pretty funny.

After conning a little girl out of the swing (in all fairness she wasn't even moving and her family kind of forgot she was still there), Noelle had fun swinging for a while too.  The swings are her favorite.

While we hung out on the grass for a while we had fun looking at this neat parrot in the tree (it's owner was nearby reading).

On Saturday I took mom and Amy to the most packed fabric store you've ever seen (if you are claustrophobic I don't suggest it) for them to pick out some things.  The really old owner thought Noelle was cute and gave her a set of baby chick buttons.

On Sunday Grandma took Noelle to her first official day of nursery and she didn't even cry once. 

The trip ended way to quick and early Monday morning they were off and on their way back home again.  We always enjoy visitors!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What's Up Doc?

The other day I decided to be healthy and pull out a carrot as a snack.  It had been a while since I remembered to buy them at the store.

Not two bites into it and someone was at my heals...

I finally gave up and let her have the rest.  She love it.  She munched on it for quite a while (I took it away once she got too close to the end), and I found another snack.

In other news Noelle is as cute as ever.  Her hair is getting long and she's had another tooth break.  Just two more and I hope we will have a break from teething for a while!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Day at the Park

Our little play group introduced us to a nice little park not too far from our house.  It has some nicely placed trees so it's cool and shady on the playground and swings.  

Speaking of swings...Noelle loves them.  I think she could swing all day.  

She has no problem swinging high either.  Chill as a cucumber.

Noelle had fun saying hi to the pigeons that live in the park.

And making funny faces...Boo!

Noelle is always cracking Corey and I up now.  Whether it's her brushing her cat or turning an old (but clean) butter container into a hat. Maybe she'll grow up to be a fashion designer or engineer.  Or maybe she'll be something entirely different.

We are excited for some special visitors next week.  In preparation for our visitors Noelle officially has one more tooth, with another really close.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Busy Bee

Part of the reason there's so many gaps between blog posts is that Noelle has become a busy bee (the other part is I forget to pull the camera out).  We had 3 days of beautiful weather, but the news said next weekend we'll be at 95 again.  Tear tear.

We finally decided to join a little play group and we had fun going to the zoo last week.  Noelle didn't care much for the big animals (they barely moved), but thought the walking turtle, the swimming turtle, and the chipmunk eating the turtle's lunch was fun.  

Noelle loves pulling out all her diapers, and would pull out all her wipes too if we let her.  We found an old wipe box that she will put things in and pull out.

At the library I found an amusing book:

I never followed the TV show, but still found it funny.

 We've had some interesting bugs about our yard recently.  The black beetle below has been munching on all of our cacti.  I wonder which one tastes best.

Also, one morning Corey discovered a stick bug on our dryer vent.  Now I want to go watch Bug's Life.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

There's Still Time

To wish Uncle Andy happy birthday!!  Between being up until 2 am with a very un-tired little girl and conference we didn't have much computer time today.  

Happy 24th Birthday for a few more hours!