Friday, April 24, 2015

Emilia loves to scrunch her nose when she smiles.  She actually looks quite different smiling and not smiling!  Her hair definitely has a touch of copper red in it--but I don't know that we'll be lucky enough to get an Aunt Chrissy red head.  We think it may stick around as a strawberry brunette or something.

Although she's half out of the picture, I think this one captures her personality well.  She is always on the move with some mischievous purpose (most likely eating a tiny speck of garbage you forgot to vacuum).  Diaper changes are like trying to put a diaper on a bobcat.  Not easy. 

1 comment:

  1. Love seeing the red in her hair, maybe she will be a strawberry blonde? ... super cute anyways! Let me know if you ever need any redhead advice ;) Also, the scrunch face is WAY cute.

