Friday, November 16, 2012

Queen for a Day

A book I randomly picked up from the library is about a girl who dresses up as a queen.  Noelle thought it was fun and wanted to be a queen too.  So we picked out a cute outfit and I let her have a little lip gloss (queens are fancy like that).  Despite our niceties something was missing...a crown!  

So we decided to make one.  She helped paint the glitter on it and I did the sequins.  She had fun putting it on and talking about it all day.

Here's a long-ish video of just Noelle and I chatting (Ivy was asleep).  I think these will be kind of fun to look back on.  When we're filming her normally she can be a bit hyper, so these are a fun look at what she's like most of the time.  

Right now Noelle is definitely a little parrot.  It's super cute but sometimes hard for general communication.  "Noelle, do you want milk or juice?" "Milk... or juice!" "Noelle, do you want to play or read?" "play...or read!" See what I mean?  Noelle also has a funny way of talking.  When we ask her a question she likes to repeat the question and then answer.  So I might ask her "Noelle, what does a doctor do?"  She'll say, "what a doctor do? Doctor check Ivy".  Right now she loves answering questions about what things do and how they work.  Maybe she'll grow up to be a scientist.

1 comment:

  1. Queen Ellie you make a great queen! We all can't wait to see you guys for Christmas.

    Thanks for sharing the video. I love the parroting!

