Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Bit by bit Noelle is getting closer to walking.  This week she has been humoring Corey and I by taking a few steps to us when we stand her up.  Noelle loves to zoom around the house holding onto our fingers or with her little car.  She's getting pretty strong so we don't think it will be long before she's zooming around on her own.

Another big step she took last night was standing up by herself (without holding onto anything)!  We were proud of her, but as soon as I got the camera out to film she was done, so I wasn't able to capture it just yet.

Noelle is very observant and tries to do what we do sometimes.  Like brush her own hair or put on her shoes and socks.  She has a fake sneeze that is so funny.  It's all backwards.

Unfortunately she found herself with a runny nose last night and it's still going.  She's doing fine otherwise, but it is bothersome.  

After I helped her wipe her nose she took the tissue and helped herself for a while.  Aside from me feeling bad about her being sick, it was really cute.

1 comment:

  1. A sick kid could pretty much get anything they asked from me, if they could talk. I hope she feels better soon.

