Thursday, September 29, 2011


Is 17 months too young for your first makeover?

Here's the before:

Here's the after:

Can you even tell it's the same girl?!  Just kidding :)  We just pretended to put on some makeup.  I let her know she can talk to me about real makeup in about 13 years.  When I am getting ready in the morning Noelle has started clobbering me until I let her look at my makeup bag too.  She likes trying to imitate what I do.  Good thing I don't have lipstick heavily stocked, I have a feeling I would have a colorful girl if I turned my back for a minute.

Noelle is getting closer to being a little girl all the time.  She's getting better and better at steadying herself and will be running around soon I'm sure.  She enjoys watching Sesame Street now, at least for a few minutes.  Having not watched it for 20 years, some of their new stuff is lame (just my opinion).  And some of the best characters are hardly in it (Kermit, Cookie Monster, Bert and Ernie?!).

The other day after a rainstorm we had an unusual visitor.  A horned lizard (at first we thought it was a toad, but then noticed it's tail).  Doesn't it look like a dinosaur?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

I Scream, You Scream,

We all scream for...well, sorry we don't have any ice cream to share.  However, we do have plenty of screams to share, thanks to some alphabet letters we used in lieu of confetti.

Happy Birthday Grandpa Larry!  I wish I could be there in person to look through your pocket today, you always have the best stuff.  I hope you have a nice day!

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Noelle is goofy (she gets that from her parents).

Noelle sometimes wears unusual hats.

Noelle is terrified of the vacuum--on or off.  Just the sight of it near brings her to tears (we're not sure why?) and she runs to mom.

Noelle makes scrunchy faces at the camera.

Noelle is not chewing everything like she used to, except paper.  She chews paper like you would bubble gum.

Noelle climbs onto the outside of her crib multiple times a day--and then cries for us to get her down (she hasn't figured that part out yet).

Noelle recently started replying to "where's your nose" by pointing to her ears, but she still knows where her fingers are.

Noelle likes playing with rocks in our gravel/weed driveway.  Noelle especially likes it when gusts of wind blow by.

Noelle waves to her dad as soon as she hears him come through the door--even if she's in another room where he can't even see her.

Did I mention Noelle makes scrunchy faces at the camera (I think they are so cute!)?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Bit by bit Noelle is getting closer to walking.  This week she has been humoring Corey and I by taking a few steps to us when we stand her up.  Noelle loves to zoom around the house holding onto our fingers or with her little car.  She's getting pretty strong so we don't think it will be long before she's zooming around on her own.

Another big step she took last night was standing up by herself (without holding onto anything)!  We were proud of her, but as soon as I got the camera out to film she was done, so I wasn't able to capture it just yet.

Noelle is very observant and tries to do what we do sometimes.  Like brush her own hair or put on her shoes and socks.  She has a fake sneeze that is so funny.  It's all backwards.

Unfortunately she found herself with a runny nose last night and it's still going.  She's doing fine otherwise, but it is bothersome.  

After I helped her wipe her nose she took the tissue and helped herself for a while.  Aside from me feeling bad about her being sick, it was really cute.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I hope everyone had a nice Labor Day holiday.  Amazingly we all slept in until 8:30!  Which was great until we realized that Noelle was so rested she wanted no nap all day.  Despite no nap we went out for ice cream in the evening and it was fun.

Sometimes when I need to get ready for the day and Corey is gone or busy I will set Noelle on the sink while I work (I am right behind her so she can't fall off).  Noelle likes the sink.  She usually dangles her feet and has fun putting the stopper in or pulling out the entirely useless metal stick thing (that usually is connected to a plug).

This day she decided to get a little more comfortable.  Here's what I mean:

It's actually amazing she didn't turn the faucet on--she would have got a shock!  Noelle also recently decided she loves taking caps off things (like hair spray or perfume).  Unfortunately she also decided that she likes to try and eat the cap (so they usually get taken away pretty quick).

Friday, September 2, 2011

Happy Happy

Birthday Grandma Dear!

Grandma Karen, don't forget to be silly just for fun today! 

Finding new ways to be silly is my one weakness.  Today I decided wear pajamas on my head just for you!

Silly or not silly, I hope you have a great day and the package my mom sent gets to you soon!