Thursday, June 9, 2011

Week Recap

Noelle practiced playing the guitar a little more on Sunday.  She'll be releasing her first album later this year (I kid).

Corey started work on Monday.  Per usual, I made him take a few pictures.  It's going well and he's sitting in on some interesting cases.  I asked Corey if he'd tell the judge just once as a joke "hey, don't judge me man", but he said no.  Apparently judges don't joke around much.

Noelle is doing her thing.  She's been practicing stacking blogs--I think she's wanting more applause from her grandmas and grandpas (she kept pausing stacking blocks on Skype to allow for clapping).   In fact she has started clapping herself.  It's so cute.  She only does it in front of the bathroom mirror right now.

I've been keeping busy with work and trying to keep the house under control.  I've been sewing a dress for myself from a 60's D.I. pattern (it's pretty sweet if I say so myself).  I'm nearly done, I'll share a picture soon.  

1 comment:

  1. Haha I was about to die with that judge joke! Did you make that one up? You should tell Corey that he should start writing murder mysteries (Ya know like those old court case murder mystery shows?)

