Thursday, April 7, 2011


We've had a nice April so far.  

Conference weekend was great and Noelle's naps allowed us to watch and focus on most of conference.  

We loved seeing the camera pan over Temple Square during conference showing the blossoms.  There's a serious lack of tree blossoms down here.  Despite this we are enjoying another kind of blossom--the cactus blossom.  A little cactus right by our front door is bursting with blossoms.  It's fun to come out each morning and see how many more have opened.  Right now there are about 20 blossoms on the plant and a whole lot more to go.

They are quite pretty.  We are going to try to go on a hike in a week or two to see if we can see lots more blossoms.  We'll report back any findings.

Noelle continues to cruise around the house.  She has a good collection of bruises from pulling herself up on things or opening cupboard doors.  Noelle likes to sneak up on us from under the coffee table...Surprise!

Noelle sported pigtails for another few minutes last week, and then her hair was all funny when we took them out.

Along with my garden (did I mention I started my garden yet?) I decided our house needed a bit of character.  Something not brown.  So I planted some daisies and a little lavender plant in my planter box next to the front door.  It needs frequent watering, so to be lazy and smart at the same time I stick it under the water spigot (it drips a little) while I'm watering the garden and it gets watered too.  Nice.

1 comment:

  1. That after pigtail photo made me laugh out loud. So funny!

