Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Shhh.  Don't tell Noelle.  I made her a mini-quilt (maybe for Christmas?).  I had a lot of leftover pinwheels so I decided to make her a tag quilt.  I think she will like it as she is gravitated towards anything with a tag on it.
Along with the pinwheels I used fleece for the back to make it soft (didn't use batting), and then various ribbons I had already.  I decided to quilt it for fun.
What about the other quilt I made her?  Don't worry about it.  I might still be finishing the binding. ..

I have a few other projects I hope to get done before Christmas is here.  Hopefully I can fit them in.  Happy December!


  1. What a great idea! I love the colors and I hear kids like tags.

    Good luck with your other quilt. It is my humble opinion, that binding has kept many fantastic quilts from being completed.

  2. Thanks!

    I keep meaning to do my binding while watching tv but always forget... I don't doubt that it has held back some great quilts. Binding is a pain but worth it once you finish.

