Monday, October 4, 2010

Chatter Box

Noelle has become more vocal over the past few weeks.  Her favorite times to chat are during reading time or nap time.

I was able to get a clip of her chatting this morning.  Her face is so expressive when she 'talks'.  She became camera shy soon after I pulled out the camera, of course.  Once the camera was away and I started reading again she was chatting at the top of her lungs once again.

I made another piece of clothing for Noelle over the weekend.  
I had a cardigan that I wanted to do something with.  I decided make something for Noelle out of it (a common thing these days).  At first while I was cutting I was thinking about a dress, but as I was sewing it looked better as a sweater.  

Funny thing is once I was done I realized it looked exactly like it did before, only smaller.  It looks much better on Noelle.  Pictures can't lie.  Corey and I almost melted with this picture.  We love her little smile.


  1. Okay, seriously. Why don't you live closer? You could teach me so much. I love this sweater!

    I don't mean to keep giving you blogs to check out, but I only do because I think you will appreciate them. I found this one today

    Check out her DIY label. She makes some really cute items and I think you have the talent for things like this. I especially love her "Pleated Dress". Again, love the sweater.

  2. I love finding new blogs, thanks for passing it along!

    Hopefully we will be back in the same state in a couple years, maybe we can have sewing parties then :) I just wing most things I make, but I'm happy when they turn out cute.

  3. A sewing party is a lovely idea. Until then, I will just enjoy your creations on the Blogosphere. :)

