Friday, September 3, 2010

Meet the Neighbors Deux

Here is a neighbor we haven't introduced yet.
Do you see him?  Here's a closeup:
Meet Lenny the lizard.  He actually has had quite a few names because every morning when I saw him on our tree eating ants I forgot what I called him the previous day and made up a new name.  Corey decided enough was enough and we should just call him Lenny.

I discovered that we had two more varieties of cacti in our yard.  One was in the very corner hiding in the bushes.
 The other was in the front.
Remember the cactus with a tiny pink blossom?  Look what happened this week!  One day the blossom popped out and now it's well on it's way to having a new arm (I have no idea if thats correct cactus talk, just made it up).

Here are the pretty blossoms from our bush:
And last but certainly not least here's Noelle and Corey outside.  We went to check the mail tonight.  Dark clouds were rolling in so I bet we'll get a nice rainstorm tonight.

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