Noelle was so excited the morning of her birthday--if you couldn't tell from her pictures. We decided to do a "Hello Kitty" theme, as she loves her right now. I made a Hello Kitty themed flower garland, and then Noelle and I colored some fun birthday pages we found online.

The splash park just opened last week so this was the first visit of the year! Noelle was so excited to go, and was really excited to share some birthday treats with our playgroup friends.
Ivy loves water, but the splash park isn't super for her age (you get splashed everywhere!). She did like playing with the fountains bubbling before they got bigger.
Noelle was very excited for her kitty cake. I think it turned out pretty well! Probably my best kid cake so far. Noelle only ate the jelly beans. Goof. Our kids don't like cake which is funny.
Now I'm just going to dump a lot of pictures. Excited birthday girl!
The moment she has been waiting for! Singing and blowing out the candles.
Noelle got some play kitchen accessories. I finally got pictures of the play kitchen, I put them over on my craft blog, here.
After getting close she would say "next present!". I don't think clothes are very exciting to her :)
Corey showing Noelle's puppy purse from Grandma Darlene.
Noelle's favorite gift from mom and dad was the little paint set. She got right to work painting pictures.