Saturday, September 29, 2012

This and That

I always have a hard time thinking about what to report when I finally sit down to blog.  It couldn't be the two awake girls who should be sleeping distracting me (Noelle is currently knocking on her door)  :)

Ivy loves to stand.  Noelle is getting better at smiling cute in pictures.  If you ask her to give you a "beautiful smile" she flashes a pearly white smile.  Sometimes she asks Corey or I to smile and says "good job" or "oh, beautiful".

Noelle is often sporting a fruit punch mustache.  Why must they put so much food coloring in the punch?  It seems a bit overdone.  Ivy isn't so sure about sitting.  She likes standing much more.

Here's a video of nothing really, but Noelle was acting cute.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


We are a busy bunch around here, leaving me with not nearly as much time to blog as I'd like.  But here's a few glimpses of the girls.

Ivy appears to be teething.  Who knows when some cute pearly whites will show up.  In the mean time she loves to chew on anything (our fingers are her favorite).  She hasn't had any solid foods yet.  We will probably introduce them in the next month.

Noelle loves to be in pictures with Ivy.  Look how grown up she looks next to her sister!  Also, she is getting very tan from all her outside escapade-ing.

Ivy is dying to move.  She's always doing little baby crunches while lying on the ground.  She wants to be walking already!

I took these this afternoon.  We really love our house, but it has terrible light for indoor pictures.  That's part of my excuse for why I can't seem to get pictures taken as often as I'd like.  I love how happy Ivy is a good portion of the day.  It's especially nice on afternoons when her sister is being a stereotypical two year old (in other words a pill).

Ivy has the cutest cheeks ever.  As her hair is getting longer she sports some crazy bed-head much of the time.  Just after bath time is when it's the tamest.

Noelle requested a photo of her playing in the blinds today.  She's not supposed to play in them but is often found rattling around behind them.  This week has been better for naps (we feared they were going away completely), but they still aren't a daily guarantee.

Just for fun here's a look at Noelle and Ivy about the same age.  They definitely don't look much alike do they?!  Both cute in their own way.  They have similar noses and both have darling smiles though.