We had a fun Easter morning with Noelle. It was hard getting her to smile she was so distracted. She got a special surprise princess outfit and an Easter book from Grandma Karen and Grandpa Larry. Here's her eating all her jelly beans (Starburst jelly beans of course--best kind out there).
It was cute watching her look for her basket (she's been toting it around all week), the video clip is a little long but grandparents might enjoy it.
Afterwards we all got dressed up to get some Easter pictures.
This is the dress I made for Noelle for Easter (and to wear to Aunt Christine's wedding). It's getting harder to get Noelle to smile for the camera. We'll take what we can get :)Here's my 38 week tummy if anyone cares. I don't think there is anymore room inside me, so good thing she will be joining us soon!
After pictures Noelle wanted to be back in her princess outfit (which worked out because mom didn't want her in her new Easter dress for lunch. Pizza sauce + new dress is no fun).
Notice how well she is looking at the camera (not!). She was so enamored with her fancy outfit she couldn't hold still or look at me. Below she is spinning like a princess with her fairy wand.