Saturday, January 28, 2012

Belated Birthday Time

Yesterday I had a lovely birthday thanks to Corey, Noelle, and everyone else.  Corey hung around for most of the day (he usually studies on Fridays), so that was fun.  I got some fun gifts and am looking forward to finding some sweet things with some birthday money I received.  Corey's nervous to see what I bring home. 

We took Noelle to the park (or "parka" if you are using Noelle speak).  She loves loves loves the swing.  If they are taken she melts down and we have to go home, so luckily they were wide open yesterday.

Recently Noelle's hair has been long enough that I've been trying new things.  It's always in her face so I've been putting it in pony tails here and there.  I have to put it high enough that it doesn't bug her while sitting or laying down, so it's pretty peppy (but cute because it's Noelle).

We may have mentioned Noelle's favorite movies (or "mi-moui" in Noelle speak) is "Princess and the Frog".  It's getting a bit ridiculous.  She wants to watch it all the time (I try to limit it to once a day).  If we put the case away she walks around the house saying "mi-moui, mi-moui" while shrugging her shoulders as if to say "hey, where did you put it?".  She always double checks under the couch just in case it's there.  Other Disney movies just don't cut it.  She knows right away it isn't right (she likes to see the fireworks coming from the Disney castle).  She also loves that there is this tiny clip of Mickey mouse dancing before her movie starts and often goes looking for her mouse to hold before the show starts.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Dance Party

Noelle appears to enjoy Corey's music best.  

The other night (okay, a night weeks ago) we were getting Noelle ready for bed and Corey was browsing songs to a band that had been recommended to him (Elbow--this song may sound familiar, it's in PBS commercials).  Without prompting Noelle started dancing.  I grabbed the camera and caught the tail end, we thought it was funny:

Clean Sweep

Noelle has become fond of the broom and dust pan.  It's her little toy she loves to pull out and leave strewn about the floor.  At a recent eating out there was a worker sweeping the floor and when Noelle noticed she said "no no", which translates to "hey, he's playing with MY toy".

We were playing around with her one night and she was giggling pretty hard.  Here's a little clip:

Sunday, January 8, 2012


It was recently pointed out to me that I have fallen off the wagon and haven't blogged in a while (thanks mom).

We had a lovely 2 weeks in Utah.  Christmas happened.  

Later we visited the lights at Temple Square.

Then we drove home in one fail swoop (talk about a long day!).

Obviously I skipped a lot and will need to back-fill later.  I have a few really cute videos I need to convert and upload, I will try to get those up this week.