During Noelle's less fussy moments we have been having fun this week.
We pulled out crayons again, and this time she hasn't been eating them (yay!). While I color a picture she embellishes. She's getting the hang of it, the coffee table has a few crayon strokes to prove it.
And for anyone who is curious, yes it's a Christmas coloring book. However, it's not just any Christmas coloring book. It's a Care Bear cousin Christmas book. With great characters like "playful heart monkey", "treat heart pig", and "bright heart raccoon". It's straight out of the eighties (literally, it was a DI purchase). Sweet.
Here is a closeup of some of Noelle's work:
Noelle is slowly getting better, but we think her fussiness has lingered due to some new teeth on their way. That's just our guess anyway, it looks like she's got 2-4 new ones moving along.